About Me

Hello! My name is Marcel and I have been playing guitar for over 30 years!

During this time I have learned what works and what doesn’t when it comes to learning guitar. Plus I’ve learned a few things that you can easily do during your practise to make you a better musician not just a better guitar player.

Over the last 30 years or so I’ve jammed with friends, participated in jam sessions, played in bands, recorded albums, did classical guitar exams etc.

I also transcribe music, compose music and play solo fingerstyle guitar gigs when time allows.

Modern Guitar Harmony

During the summer of 2023 I, along with esteemed US and UK jazz guitarists started Modern Guitar Harmony which is a non-profit website that allows guitarists to explore guitar related harmony for free.

In particular, but not exclusively, the website focuses on the harmony of Berklee College of music professor and great jazz guitarist Mick Goodrick.

The Goodrick Almanacs, once costing several hundred dollars each on eBay, can now be downloaded for free (or donation) from the Modern Guitar Harmony Resources page.

Modern Guitar Harmony is currently looking to run a week long advanced guitar harmony camp during the summer of 2025.